10,000 euros for the Bavarian Bone Marrow Donation foundation: Aenova presents donation check
Starnberg, 04/12/2024
Aenova recently held a fundraising event for the Bavarian Bone Marrow Donation foundation (AKB - Stiftung Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern). Aenova employees donated to the AKB's stem cell donor registry, which finds suitable donors for leukemia patients worldwide and the company topped up the amount to 10,000 euro. The check was presented yesterday at the AKB in Gauting.
Aenova is a leading contract developer and manufacturer for the pharmaceutical industry based in Starnberg/Percha, Germany. With around 4,000 employees and 15 sites worldwide, the company contributes to the global supply of medicines. The medicines manufactured by Aenova also include drugs for the treatment of cancer, such as leukemia, and immunosuppressants. The non-profit foundation Stiftung Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern (AKB) in Gauting operates the third largest stem cell donor registry in Germany. Every day, the AKB personally looks after around three to five donors who give their healthy stem cells to a leukemia patient for a stem cell transplant.
Leukemia patients need anticancer drugs to fight the disease and, afterstem cell transplantation, immunosuppressants to suppress the immune system's defensive reactions. Looking for support in the fight against leukemia, Aenova and the AKB came into contact. Coincidentally, the founder and CEO of AKB, Dr. Hans Knabe, and the Head of Corporate Communication and project manager at Aenova, Dr. Susanne Knabe, share the same lastname. As part of a first collaboration, patient representatives from AKB introduced themselves to Aenova employees at an internal event. The lively presentation by the two former cancer patients emphasized the importance of a reliable supply of medication. The subsequent appeal for donations raised a large sum, which the company generously rounded up. The donation check for 10,000 Euro was symbolically handed over at AKB in Gauting on December 4, 2024.
"We would like to thank Aenova and its employees for their generous donation. In addition to typing, financial donations are one of the most important pillars of our work for leukemia patients," explains Dr. Hans Knabe, founder and chairman of the Bavarian Bone Marrow Donation Campaign Foundation. “Any healthy person can also help and register as a stem cell donor; the typing is very easy.”"For us at Aenova, customers and therefore patients come first. We are delighted to be able to support the AKB together," adds Dr. Susanne Knabe, Head of Corporate Communication at Aenova.
Handover of the donation check from Aenova to the Bavarian Bone Marrow Donation foundation. From left: Dr. Susanne Knabe, Head of Corporate Communication at Aenova, Verena Spitzer, former patient and employee of AKB, Dr. Hans Knabe, founder and CEO of AKB. (Photo: Aenova)